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Independent retailers across Scotland and the north of England should ensure 22-23rd Sept is firmly in their diaries if they wish to grab that special gem of a gift at the new-look Scotland’s Trade Fair Autumn.
With a completely refreshed layout and added Craft Gallery, as well as an extended Launch Gallery, this Show promises to offer visitors something special and unique with a raft of innovative and exciting exhibitors. Around 180 exhibitors, many of whom can only be seen at this Show, will display their cards, homewares, gifts, textiles, jewellery and food, which will be perfect for shops for their Christmas customers, as well as gaining ideas for 2020 stock.
In The Launch Gallery new companies such as Kushboo, Sandwich Bay Candles, The Wee Book Company, Mella Soap, Seddon and Davison and Woollyhatz will be exhibiting for the first time at the Autumn edition of Scotland’s Trade Fair.
Initialinterest in the new craft area is currently “through the roof” and applicationsare currently being considered for acceptance. The Speciality Food area is onceagain in high demand and is almost sold out featuring companies such asChrystal’s Shortbread, Smoky Brae, School Yard Chillies, Chocolat Box andScotia Spice Foods.
ThisShow provides the perfect time to make last minute orders for Christmas, aswell as get ahead of competitors and order for 2020. With established companiessuch as Earth Squared, Hole in my Pocket, Siabann, Ness, Glen Appin, and JustSlate there will be a huge array of gifts to order.
Show Director Mark Saunders said:“Nothing quite beats meeting suppliers and negotiating orders that can only bedone face to face at trade shows, especially as many of our exhibitors willonly be at this Show. However, our Autumn Show is more than just buying, itallows shops the chance to find out what is on-trend in the marketplace,discover new exhibitors, offers the opportunity for networking and catching upwith suppliers and is a welcome day out after what we hope will be a busysummer season.
“Withmany British people opting to holiday at home, plus many foreign visitorsflocking to Scotland, many shops should have an excellent summer and will beready to re-order in Sept.”
GillianRussell, from Killearn Pharmacy near Glasgow which has a big gift offeringadded: “It’s really important as a small retailer to attend Shows to try andidentify new products, new ranges and new suppliers as we need to keep turningover products to attract and keep customers.”
Makesure 22-23rd is in the diary now!
Fenella Taylor
Fenella Taylor PR
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