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The organiser, Hale Events, is postponing the 2018 Hotel, Catering & Retail Show, citing financial constraints as the main reason that stand sales are not at the levels needed to present a show to market. Due to take place 13-14 March 2018, the event is now under review, and may take place again, if more realistic costs for clients can be achieved. The show has taken place for 65 years, so it was not an easy decision for the organisers to make.
Managing Director Mike Anderson said: “We have been organising successful trade shows for 25 years, and our customers’ needs are at the heart of all the decisions we make. We have not taken this decision lightly, but rising costs for many essential associated client services make this show very expensive compared to our other trade shows in similar markets, which has led to falling stand sales. It is important to us that the products we offer our customers give them value for money and a return on their investment. At this time, we do not feel able to do this in Bournemouth, and therefore we would prefer to postpone now and allow our clients to plan their trade show year with confidence, rather than leaving such a critical decision until the last minute”.
Hale Events organise The Source trade show in Exeter, Expowest Cornwall in Wadebridge, and The Food & Drink Trade Show in Worcestershire.
For more details or information please contact Mike Anderson on 01934 733433.