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The Giftware Association would like to make its members aware that a member company was recently approached by an individual, purporting to be a buyer for a big shopping mall on the Faroe Islands. This individual wanted a shipment of products sending to the Faroe Islands and also wanted the UK member company to use a specific shipper, one that was purporting to be 2GO SUPPLY CHAIN LTD, but with a false email address.
We understand from the UK member company after they did some due diligence on this Individual, they received confirmation that they were not known to the shopping mall and were not employed by them. If this follows the same structure as it has from previous or similar ruses, then the payment for the goods is made to you using a stolen credit card, you pay their nominated shipper for sending the goods overseas, but the goods are never collected. The credit card company will then seek to recover the fraudulent amount from the UK member company. This means that you will have paid the shipper for their ‘services’ as well as having to repay the money paid to you using the stolen credit card.
Please be aware that we believe these individuals may have been using company/trading names that are the same as or very similar to authentic trading companies, so please be careful to check companies thoroughly before using them, but please be careful not to rule out the ones that are genuine, there is a genuine trading shipping company with this name that is based in the Philippines. When you receive online enquires always check that the email addresses exactly match those displayed on the legitimate company website.
The original email that was used to make contact is shown below:
Dear Customer, We are interested in purchasing some of your products to ****** in *******, ******, Faroe Islands ,can you please send us your complete catalog? To enable us place our order via e-mail and also be informed that our mode of payment for this order is via credit card. We anticipate your prompt reply. Kind Regards
Once contact had been established an ‘order’ is then placed:
Hello ****,
Below is our order:
Qty: 50
SHIPPING ADDRESS: *******, ******, Faroe Islands
OUR FULL ADDRESS: No. ****, ******, ***** Faroe Islands
: ****************
I will be glad if you assist us contact our corporate shipper ( 2GO SUPPLY CHAIN LTD) for the shipping quote. Here is their email address (******.**
They will take care of everything including handling, customs duty, tax, insurance etc also you will be responsible for payment to 2GO SUPPLY CHAIN LTD then all costs as far as shipping, taxes, duties, and insurance in addition to the costs of the product should be sent to me in a proforma invoice to be paid in advance of all the total amount including the shipment. Always send me a copy of email you send to them, Kindly email them with pick up address,shipping address and the weight of the order. Get back to me with the following once you hear back from them.
Total cost of items............
Shipping cost via 2GO SUPPLY CHAIN LTD.......
all additional cost(transfer fee to 2GO SUPPLY CHAIN LTD.....................
Total cost (cost of items+shipping cost via 2GO SUPPLY CHAIN LTD
agent +transfer fee to 2GO SUPPLY CHAIN LTD)..........
So I can send you our credit card details for you to charge the total cost from it and get the shipping fees settled,then our order can be shipped out asap.
Thank you"
We have also had an email from one of our members that there has been a GDPR scam. Please see the original email below.
-----Original Message-----
From: Action pending against you for Non GDPR compliance. []
Sent: 09 December 2018 19:47
Subject: To the owner of You are on The GDPR Non Compliance Register
Notification from the UK Non Compliance Register.
To the owner of
It has come to our attention that your company is not GDPR compliant.
As your company is not GDPR compliant your company has now been entered onto the Non Compliance Register for the UK.
Your company is under review and may be reported to the ICO for non GDPR compliance as required by the GDPR compliance law passed on 25 May 2018
The Non Compliance Register is a FREE public service that is available to any member of the public.
The public can search the register to see if a company can be trusted to store their data securely before they give that company their personal data.
To see why you have been entered onto the Non Compliance Register PRESS HERE <> and we will send the report to you.
You will see listed on the report the actions that may now be taken against your company for non GDPR compliance.
This email has been sent to inform you that you are on the non compliance register.
There is no need to reply to this email.
Disclaimer: This communication is not a business communication and can be legally sent. It is a notification to advise you of action taken against you. There is no personal data involved with this communication. The Non Compliance Register does not hold any personal data and displays only information that is already in the public domain and can be accessed and stored legally by any person who searches the ICO fee payers register for DPO’s and as such does not fall under the GDPR compliance law or the 1998 European Data Protection Act. It is a pubic service that is free of charge.
For more information on this or to see more of the correspondence, please contact Rebecca Gough on or call 0121 237 1119.