News & Articles

Trading with the EU
Help and support if your business trades with the EU: Page updated to add link to the EU Transition Trader and Industry Online Forum launched by the Border and Protocol Delivery Group today. The Forums, categorised by subject, allow you to ask questions about the preparations you need to make. You will need to register here to access the forums.
Notice 32/20 – Information on Licence Security from 1 January 2021. First published today, this notice provides information on import and export licence security from 1 January 2021
NI Protocol
Moving goods under the Northern Ireland Protocol Addition of guidance links in the documents
Goods regulations
Product safety and metrology from 1 January 2021: Great Britain: For businesses placing goods on the market in Great Britain from 1 January 2021: guides have been added today on Measuring Instruments Regulations 2016, Non-Automatic Weighing Instruments Regulations 2016, Noise Emission in the Environment by Equipment for Use Outdoors Regulations 2001, Simple Pressure Vessels (Safety) Regulations and Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 2016.