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The GiftwareAssociation is proud to promote a special event organised by CHSI stitches about increasing your brand awareness online. This is one of the best visual learning opportunities you'll have this year - and it's 100% free and live.
- 90% of information transmitted to the brain is VISUAL
- Images get 150% more retweets than those without images, potentially getting you 150% more business
- 40% of your customers respond better to images than text
- Posts with images get 3x more clicks than without
As a business marketing online, are you staying brand consistent through the images that 'tell a story' about your business?
In Warren’s new and exclusive 1 hour live and free webinar on the 25th April at 1pm in partnership with CHSI, Warren will share with you the 4 pillars to success with visual marketing to engage with your visitors, drive more leads and win new business through the strategic use of image marketing.
We know as a business you are short of time, but if Warren could help you boost your brand awareness and sales through the images you share online in just 60 minutes would that be time well spent? We think so!
Warren will be sharing the one social network that 55% of businesses are using to win new clients with visual content
Warren will be giving you this one visual network that generates more traffic than Google+, Linkedin and Twitter combined
You’ll get this one action that will generate 12x more opportunities for your business
— Understand why images are so important for your social media activity
— How to enhance and transform your photos
— Win new business at zero cost by driving organic traffic from Google
— How to create viral quotes images in a matter of seconds and what tools to use
— How one simple action can increase lead generation by 200%
— The best social network to find target customers using images
— Successfully integrate your image marketing into your overall marketing strategy
— Develop an Image Content Plan using proven templates
— Understand how to stay up-to-date with image marketing trends to stay one step ahead of your competitors
— How making a visual mistake could cost you £1,000’s
We look forward to seeing you at 1pm on the 25th April where Warren will help you increase brand awareness and sales through his 'Social Media Image 4 Pillars to Success'.
Warren Knight is a Top 100 Global Influencer in 2017 and award winning blogger, author and digital entrepreneur with 9 years online experience.