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I AM HERE: Portable art, wearable objects, jewellery since the 1970s
Free and open to the public, I AM HERE features almost 100 works of exciting and innovative studio jewellery created by the most significant British and international makers of the last five decades - each piece a powerful reflection of the spirit of its generation and acting as a precedent for the future.
Alongside works from the Crafts Council Collection of more than 400 pieces of British jewellery there are works borrowed from Pangolin. mima, Galerie Marzee, Gallery S O and Pangolin London.
Jewellery is the most intimate of art forms. It is a dialogue of shared meaning between wearer and maker. While all the works on display relate to the body, that’s where our familiar understanding of jewellery ends. Some of the pieces have been constructed using materials as diverse as concrete and broken bottles, nails, ice, plastic, wallpaper, cork, paper, rubber, volcano lava.
The exhibition includes work by Susanna Heron, one of the first jewellers to use Perspex in the early 1970s, a film of an arm piece made of ice by Naomi Filmer and a bejewelled fur-coated emperor penguin brooch by Dutch jeweller Felieke van der Leest. Other jewellers include Gijs Bakker, David Bielander, Caroline Broadhead, Peter Chang, Gerda Flöckinger, Karl Fritsch, Rudolf Kocea, Otto Künzli, Roger Morris, Ted Noten, Lina Peterson, Dorothea Prühl, Mah Rana, Hans Stofer, Emmy van Leersum and David Watkins.
Tatty Devine was commissioned by the Crafts Council to create a limited edition necklace and brooch for I AM HERE which is available to buy now alongside a beautiful catalogue designed by studio Julia.
I AM HERE originally launched at the Upper Gulbenkian Gallery at the Royal College of Art, London, from 9 to 25 November 2015. See curator Lorna Burn talking to Retail Jeweller here
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