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With all of the talk of worldwide pandemic, economic disaster, job losses, the NHS being overwhelmed, it is important that we do not forget those that have gone before us and contributed so much to making our great industries what they are today. The Benevolent Society were therefore delighted to identify up to 50 of their hardest up and longest standing Beneficiaries and to send to each of them this week a beautiful hamper full of goodies as a timely reminder that they have not been forgotten.
Simon Dawe the BenSoc Chairman said “it has given all of our Trustees real pleasure to be able to arrange to have these wonderful hampers hand delivered to those most vulnerable amongst our Beneficiaries. I should like to thank Laura Banner our Secretary for researching and arranging this on behalf of BenSoc.”
The BenSoc Vice Chairman David Doyle said “we hope that the recipients of these wonderful hampers, who are generally much older and often not in the best of health, will enjoy the treats within. We hope that they will accept them on behalf of all of the industries that BenSoc represents as a huge thank you for all that they did in their day. We are thinking of them all too in these difficult times.