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Sienna Glass Ltd

Sienna Glass are designers and wholesalers of hand crafted art glass items. Our products are made by traditional craftsmen and are available through selected retail outlets worldwide. We are proud to offer designs exclusive to Sienna Glass.
We are a trade only company. Our aim is to help you maximise your sales with a low minimum order, no multi packs or sets, you just choose what products, colour and size sell best for your outlet. Our packaging is designed to enhance the beauty of the product and offer ease of display.
We have traditional designs for specific occasions such as birthdays, weddings, new baby etc. and also a selection of beautiful glassware which makes an ideal gift suitable for home and garden.
Take a look at our latest brochure here: https://acrobat.adobe.com/link/review?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:6c44a106-5044-31d6-b9dd-b465090ba82b
Telephone: 01905 384837