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Labre’s Hope

The founder, Aaron Probert, is a business management graduate and social entrepreneur who has worked on impact ventures for four years. In his second year of University, he heard a homeless woman's story whose usual spot was across the road from him.
It was a story of domestic abuse which led to alcohol escapism and becoming isolated from her support network due to her abuser. Then her kidneys failed and she was faced with a decision - her partner, consumption and death, or a life on the streets. She chose the streets. After hearing this, Aaron wrote his dissertation based on a business model and decided to make it come to life.
He placed soap and other cosmetics at the centre of revenue streams because he wanted a solution everyone could join in on - and what better way to do this than your daily wash and care routine? So, he trained how to formulate cosmetics and studied skincare.
This led to Labre's Hope coming to life after a three year journey which involved countless consultations to maximise impact and testing product to ensure they are able to transform people's skin.
Here at Labre's Hope, we have perfected hot-process soap crafting to bring you bars unlike you have seen before. We combine plant oils like Avocado Oil and Shea Butter with a base to begin the saponification process. We then blend our soap batter until we finish the process of turning oils in to soap molecules. Following on from this, we infuse natural essential oils like Lavender and Geranium Rose into our products to give you a truly natural aromatherapeutic scent. For the finishing touch, we imbue our soaps with natural colourants which help keep our bars 100% biodegradable while giving you all the added skin benefits like the impurity-removing Activated Charcoal.
People who are at risk of homelessness or on a recent journey out of homelessness that are ready for employment, are referred to Labre’s Hope through other homelessness charities and organisations such as Crisis, Shiloh, Shelter, Rush House, or the SYHA. We hire these people to make handcrafted, planet-friendly soap on both a full-time and part time basis, providing a stable and secure salary that equates to the London Living Wage.
Email: contact@labreshope.co.uk