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Clockwork Soldier

We are Clockwork Soldier, a design-led conscientious gift company. We specialise in creative card and paper activity kits for both children and adults.
About Clockwork Soldier
Our products are innovative, unique and design driven. They cover evergreen themes like dinosaurs, space and the oceans. Inventive paper engineering meets beautiful retro illustration, with a modern design twist.
Clockwork Soldier was founded in 2010 from the back bedroom of founder, Rob Dakin’s flat. The original ranges were born from a need for beautiful alternatives to traditional toys, particularly to fill the gap in the market for creative kits aimed at boys. Over the years the brand has developed to include holistic learning themes and the use of sustainable materials. Our offerings have covered gardening kits, stationery sets, puzzles, games and novelty gifts. Now we focus on creative kits that encourage building or making which can also be used to decorate a bedroom wall or desk.
Our products are carried by a huge range of stockists including garden centres, visitor attractions and farm shops. The needs of our customers are always part of our development process and ranges like our new pocket money collection cater to a desire for eco-friendly rainy day and stocking filler products, perfect for picking up at the till.
As a member of a Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) certified group scheme (FSC-C004309), we are committed to sourcing paper and board used in the manufacture of our products from certified responsibly managed forests.
Website: clockworksoldier.co.uk