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Central Business Finance Partner

Central Business Finance is for every business that needs funding. We offer solutions to assist all types of organisations to access all types of finance.
Boost cash flow, fund growth, expand, acquire assets or secure the purchase of premises with our help.
Cash flow finance Finance to boost growth or help solve short-medium term cash flow needs.
Property finance Funding for any property related projects you are undertaking including build, development purchase or bridging.
Funding packages Utilising a range of different facilities added together to make a deal work.
Asset finance Funding that allows your business to purchase equipment without a significant drain on your company's working capital.
Business Acquisition finance Funding to undertake a MBO or MBI.
Trade & Invoice finance Purchase extra stock or get a facility that grows with your business.
Trusted by over 200 Introducers and thousands of businesses for whom we have raised over £32 million in business and property finance in the last 12 months.
Website: www.central-finance.com
Email: nick@central-finance.com
Telephone: 0121 236 4550
Mobile: 07846894577