Education and Resources

Before you start looking for the right person, you should be clear about what the job role will be and the terms and conditions of the employment. People will want to know what they will be doing, how many hours they will work and what they will be paid.
Once you have this information you can start the recruitment process.
Recruitment is the act of advertising and attracting candidates, and
Selection is choosing the right person for the job, view this article now.
Recruiting the People You Need
Unfortunately, we can’t draw a happy face on a stone and magic the perfect people and in the real world, finding the right people to work with you in your business can feel like finding a needle in a haystack. But as with most things, a planned and structured approach will pay dividends. Like many areas, the topic of recruitment and selection can be complex. Here we will just touch on the basics, to help you with your first employee.
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