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International - Supplier Declaration FAQ

Navigating the complexities of trade agreements and customs declarations can be daunting, especially with the evolving landscape post-Brexit. This document serves as an essential guide for importers and exporters dealing with Supplier Declarations under the Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) between the UK and the EU. It begins by explaining how importers can claim preferential treatment, which allows for zero tariffs on qualifying goods, through compliance with Product Specific Rules of Origin (PSR).


The guide elaborates on what constitutes a supplier declaration, emphasizing its role in evidencing the originating status of goods. It details the scenarios in which these declarations are necessary, such as when manufacturing alone does not meet PSR requirements, and instances where they are not required. Furthermore, the document outlines the procedures for sourcing supplier declarations within the supply chain, even when a customs agent is involved.


International - Supplier Declaration FAQ

This document provides comprehensive answers to frequently asked questions about Supplier Declarations under the Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) between the UK and the EU. It covers essential topics such as claiming preference under the TCA, understanding supplier declarations, when these declarations are required or not needed, and the process for sourcing them within the supply chain. Additionally, it addresses how Importer’s Knowledge can be used as proof of origin and the specifics of providing statements on origin for commercial invoices.

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