Education and Resources

Now what if you could get to the end of each week with no emails in your in-box?
Does that instantly make you feel more relaxed? To think that you could end your week with nothing sitting there waiting for you to deal with it. Well, you can, with a concept called ‘In-Box Zero’. I am going to be honest here, it will take some time and effort from you to get it set up. And it will take discipline to keep it that way, but here’s how I achieve In-Box Zero.
Inbox Zero
Do you ever feel like emails are taking over your life? As fast as you try and clear your in-box it fills up again. In a study, 89% of workers said that sorting through unopened emails is one of the most unpleasant parts of working remotely. The same study showed that 38% of workers said that email fatigue is likely to push them to quit their jobs.
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