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Don't miss out on your ticket to our Trends Seminar to learn about the latest trends affecting the home and gift industry. Our Headline speaker Marianne Shillingford, creative director at Dulux will be unveiling the latest Dulux colour trends report, three months before anywhere else. David Glenwright, from JC Social, one of Birmingham's premier marketing Agencies will be discussing all thing social media and digital marketing. Michael Weedon from Exp2 and former BIRA chair will be talking about the fate of the high street and the future of retail.
The Giftware Association is dedicated to helping you stay ahead and be a business fit for the future, and this seminar will offer amazing insight into the areas that matter.
The event will be held in Birmingham in the Giftware Association's offices (for a map, click 'Book your place' below), and has limited spaces. The event will cost £75 (£99 for non-members), but you can bring a plus-one for half price. Your ticket includes lunch and the chance to meet the speakers and ask any burning questions you have about trends. Register now to avoid disappointment.