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We spoke to our HR expert who has give us the lowdown on furlough payments
If you have furloughed anyone during November, you only have until 14 December to make your claim.
The furlough scheme lasts until end of March (and is likely to change in January ). You need to claim in complete calendar months, and your claim must be submitted within 14 days of the end of the month.
A couple of other things have come to light:
- If someone is furloughed (flexible or full) and they take holiday. This is paid at 100% and furlough grant can be claimed against that pay.
- BUT you CANNOT furlough someone, just to take a holiday. This will include furloughing for Christmas shutdowns, which are a normal annual event, whether or not you require staff to use statutory holiday entitlement.
- You can furlough someone who has to shield or care for children.
- BUT someone who has been told to self-isolate, or is ill with COVID-19 symptoms, must be paid SSP, with no waiting days. You may be able to claim this back - but only once per employee. Check