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The Giftware Association has been the proud spokesperson for the home and gift industry for 71 years, by collating our members’ views and opinions and presenting to local MPs, councils and the UK government, as well as joining forces with other trade associations on shared issues such as ‘Copywriting’, ‘IP Regulations’ and ‘CE Marking’. As the socio-economic and political environment changes rapidly, and with Brexit on the horizon, the GA needs our industry’s help, voices, views and support more than ever, so we can continue to represent, on an even bigger scale, the industry that we support.
We want to be the go-to trade association, taking your views to the top and where it matters, to councils, government and show organisers. We want to be the association that lobbies your views to a higher level, but we also need your voices to make us be heard louder.
In the last year alone, I have visited the Houses of Parliament multiple times, on issues relating to ‘Access to Finance’, ‘Copyright and IP’ and trading with governments of the commonwealth. Each visit there has been a questionnaire or focus group which has allowed us to take along our members’ opinions from across the industry, whether that’s a microbusiness that is relatively new to trading or a multi-million-pound retailer. All our members’ views are extremely important and valued, and if we want to continue being the voice of our industry for another 71 years, and continue to lobby to government, we need the help of the industry.
If you have connected with me over the years then please reach out and start a conversation on how we can work together and how you can support us. Collaboration is key to our success and our Meet the Buyer events prove that we work with a huge array of companies within our industry. As the current economic climate continues to rock the boat, we are stronger together, and The Giftware Association is designed to be the ship that can withstand the stormy waters.
By joining forces with us, we can take your views and concerns on changes in the industry, to a higher level and can make a change and influence government decisions. But most importantly, your support will help us magnify our own voice, helping us communicate a ranging view of opinions that we can use on our many visits to government, to help and support issues affecting the home and giftware world.
Sarah Ward, CEO, The Giftware Association