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Sarah Ward, CEO Of The Giftware Association, has once again been given the exciting opportunity to share our members' views at a meeting of the Genesis Initiative. The meeting will take place at Bank of England on the Tuesday 26th March. Once again, the Initiative is consulting association executives and industry leaders about the intentions that UK SMEs have in spending or investing their capital.
We would appreciate your help in representing our industry, as this will help us represent the gift industry at this exclusive meeting.
All Giftware Association members, including JDA, BTAA and designGap have the unique opportunity to let Sarah voice their opinions and experiences with lending. We want to ask the whole of the industry for their views as well, so please share this far and wide. We really want to build up an accurate representation of the industry. This will be a great chance to give a voice to your concerns. While it is a privilege for the GA to be included in this panel, in order to make the most of it we want to consult with the industry.
To that end we have created a short survey which will help us collate your views so that we can present as accurate a representation as possible of our industry’s needs and concerns. If you are a retailer, designer, wholesaler or manufacturer in the gift and home industry then we want to hear from you. We also want to hear from the fashion jewellery industry, or the travelgoods and accessories industry.
We hope you will take a few minutes to have your say. You can take the survey here.