News & Articles

Thank you to those that joined us today on this weeks The Gift Stop. This week we were joined by the belwo experts
Therese Oertenbald - The Small Business Collaborative
Joanna Pollard - BAFTS - Fair Trade Network
Craig De Souza - The Creative Industries Association
Courtney Wood - Bubblegum Stuff
Don't worry if you missed today expert packed episode, you can watch by clicking this link or the image above. Topics covered day were
4.50 - Heading back into the office
15.00 - Fair Trade trends and whats big in sustainability right now
26.40 - IP issues and anti copying advice
36.29 - Advice on protecting your products in an emerging market
41.20 - Indies vs Majors - The balance of getting your product in both
The Gift Stop is now moving to a new fortnight;y event staring from the 28th May so there will not be a Gift Stop next week, you can sign up your interest here.
Look forward to seeing you next time.