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Registration is now open for Farm Shop & Deli Show; the flagship event bringing together the speciality market, 30th March -1st April, NEC Birmingham.
Witha line-up filled with industry experts and market leaders, visit sessions suchas:
- Retail2020: Survival of the fittest
Retailing is a tough businessand owners are under constant pressure to make the right choices to enabletheir shops to thrive. Join our expert panel for insights on tech that canempower you to make the right choices based on more than just 'gut' feeling.
- Eco-retail:making our sector sustainable
Find out how the right choicescan improve your profits and carbon footprint. Practical advice will take ineverything from innovative formats to simple switches to help make businessesmore sustainable.
- Turnsilver into gold: targeting older consumers
Old is now gold for thespeciality sector with over-50s will be responsible for almost half of consumerspending by 2037. Come and learn how to tap into this lucrative older market,as we assemble a panel of leading experts, thinkers and business analysts.
Visitorskeen to experience 2020’s most comprehensive programme of demonstrations, interactive live debates andtastings, can register for their freebadge now.