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Supporting causes close to our members' hearts.
Funding from £500-5000 is available for (TA name) members' and their favourite charities.
The British Allied Trades Federation (BATF) plan to donate £50,000 in 2025 to nominated charities. Applications will be shortlisted by the BATF Charity Committee, and the recipient(s) of the funding will be decided by the BATF Board of Directors. More than one charity may be chosen to receive the funding, in this case the funding will be shared.
Applications will be accepted from the following:
• Nominations for a chosen charity to receive funding
• Charities directly requesting funding to support their activities
Nominate Now
Please note that we can only accept applications regarding registered charities, all charity registrations will be verified, and funds will be paid directly to the registered charity’s bank account.
The deadline for applications is 1st May 2025. Applications for funding between £500 and £5000 will be considered.
If you complete the online form your submission will automatically be collected, if you downloaded form to complete manually please return to
Good Luck