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Name of company: County Collections Limited
What does your company do?Who is its target audience? No recovery, no fee debt collection services.
How long have you been trading and what is the history of the company? I have been specialising in commercial and consumer debt recovery for 40 years and have a long association with the BGA and JDA
What three words best describe your business and its products? Risk-free debt recovery.
Do you have a website? If so, do you sell directly from it? If not, why not? We have a website, for information on our services.
Do you use social media to promote your business? How has this landscape changed over the years withinthe gift industry? I only use LinkedIn.
Do you do any advertising/PR?We do not advertise or employ PR
What do you wish you’d known at the very beginning of starting in yourcurrent industry that you know now and how do you work alongside the Giftwareindustry? I wish I had joined a debtcollection agency years ago instead of working with solicitors all my careerand thus saved clients large sums in respect of Court fees and solicitors costsbeing thrown away.
Do you feel the economic climate is improving or is it getting tougherto trade? Giftware is generallyconsidered ‘a luxury’ and is often the first to be hit when the economy is bad.That is why so many clients use us to recover their monies.
What do you see as being the biggest problem for gift producers? As with any business, finding that unique item thateveryone wants.
If we could help you with one aspect of your business, what would thatbe? Realise that if money is short,issuing Court proceedings does not automatically produce it if it is not there.What it does produce, is invoices for Court fees and solicitor’s costs whichjust compounds the debt.
What news do you have to share with us so we can celebrate yourachievements in 2019? We areattracting more and more clients that are realising that debts can be managedand recovered without throwing good money after bad.
What are you lookingto achieve in 2019? I am hoping to be able to help more people recovertheir debts by utilising our ‘No recovery, no fee’ debt collection service.Just contact me and ask what we can do for you. Richard on 0121 655 0472