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The Giftware Association is very excited to announce that they will be hosting a live session with International speakers Geoff Ramm and Nigel Risdon, offering their combined experience on what you can be doing during these tough times to help boost your business.
Perfect Partnerships - Will focus on Geoff and Nigel's personal stories on how they have applied their learnings to their own businesses.
Perfect Team - how to create the best environment for you and your staff.
Perfect Experience - Creating amazing customer service your competition could only dream of.
Perfect Idea - This two Minute Challenge will inspire and engage everyone on the webinar to create all of these ideas with their team.
Perfect Focus - The tools and techniques to ensure you focus on what is needed, what is right and what you need to do right now for success this year and next.
The cost to attend the webinar is £70 and will include both Nigels and Geoffs books (RRP £30 including postage and packaging). You will learn how to make your business the best it can be with these two fabulous speakers.
Like you, Geoff Ramm, the creator and author of Celebrity Service and OMG Marketing, knows that great customer service leads to lucrative, repeat business but a greater experience leads to global recognition.
So how can you design a customer experience that has you talked about for decades to come?
Geoff knows the Jedi Mind Trick to make you craved by your customers, envied by your competitors and raved about in your industry.
For more than 20 years, Nigel has been on his quest to make you the best by sharing his techniques and tools to break through the boundaries we put up around us. His always animated and interactive presentations have inspired thousands of FTSE 100 and Fortune 500 delegates, school children, charities, and prison inmates, in groups of five to 5000 and all over the world, into taking positive strides in their work and personal life.