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Our sponsors and partners PROGRESSIVE GIFTS& HOME are once again giving all WINNERS and HIGHLYCOMMENDED an opportunity to promote this wonderful accolade. All theWinners and Highly Commended will be listed in the next issue and just asProgressive Gifts and Home did in the February issue for all Finalists andShortlisted they are offering a 1/4page advert for just £150.
Angie from the magazine suggests “an advert whichfeatures the entered products to the competition and the GOTY WINNER or HIGHLYCOMMENDED logo. These ads will be highlighted on pages solely reserved for GOTYin the post Spring Fair, March/April issue. This is mailed to the 5kretailers/buyers who receive the industry's leading Gift magazine. In addition,the digital version of this issue will also go onto enablingover 8k retailers to view the competition products before they see it inprint”.
Those who have been lucky enough to be Winners orHighly Commended in other categories with different products can take an extra10% discount if they're wanting more than one 1/4p slot. Also, featured in this issue are Made In Britainproducts, Gardening Gifts, Men's Gifts and Social Stationery.
The Copy deadline is 10th March and theadvert will measure 134mm Deep x 91mm Wide. If you are interested and wouldlike to take advantage of this offer then please contact Angie at ProgressiveGifts and Home know by the 17th February on or give hera ring on 01993 212994.