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Our biggest and longest running competition in the giftware industry, Gift of the Year 2020 has been extended AGAIN due to popular demand. The competition will now close its doors for entries at 10am on Monday 9th December, Giving you a whole weekend to submit your amazing products.
If you have a products that are branded, beautiful, for children, incredible, edible, innovative, festive, contemporary or ethical, then our competition is for you. It will give you a chance to elevate your products and business within our industry. judged by buyers, retailers and key industry experts, it’s a great chance for you to get your products in front of a new audience and take the crown of Gift of the Year.
The winners are announced at a special ceremony hosted atSpring Fair, which will celebrate the winners, highly commended and everyonewho entered, along with a huge networking event to celebrate success with yourpeers.
If you have entered, thank you so much, you still have timeto enter another category or a new product, please get in touch with a memberof the team to assist you in choosing.
We look forward to seeing your fabulous entries and the very best of Luck