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NEW British design brand Pikkii has taken the gift industry by storm by launching an extraordinary collection of fun and sustainable designs.
From luggage covers that makeyour suitcase look like a giant pug, to personalised gifts that will make yourheart melt, Pikkii’s fun designs have already bagged them a Gift of the Year2020 nomination.
Their first collection previewedexclusively to trade buyers at the Spring 2020 trade shows across Europe withhuge success, and their order book is already full before stock has evenlanded.
Aside from Pikkii’s clever designs, the entire range hasbeen developed with sustainability front and centre, avoiding manufacturersthat do not meet their strict green credentials, using plastic-free packaging,and selecting sustainable materials wherever possible.
Ste Smith, Founder and Creative Director of Pikkii, explained how the brand came about and why he feels it’s been so well received.
He said: “We set out to create abrand that people were excited to discover, and it’s clear from the reactionthat we achieved that.
“Pikkii was created to makepeople smile. Some of our designs are bold, fun and attention grabbing, whileothers are sweet and thoughtful, but they all achieve that all-important smile.
“Novelty gifting has changedmassively over the past decade. The consumer is much more aware of theirenvironmental impact, so gifts must have a purpose and not be throwaway items.Everything we create at Pikkii is functional, built to last and designed to bekept, used and cherished”
The full collection of 30 newproducts will be hitting the shelves of some of the best stores, gift shops andgalleries from April.
To be the first to discover newproducts, fans can subscribe to the Pikkii newsletter at or followthem on Instagram: @bepikkii
Pikkii is a brand of WITH Creative Ltd, a fully registeredmember of the Giftware Association.