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The Giftware Association is excited announce new speakers to their annual members day. . David Glenwright from JC Social Media talking all things social and what platforms are the best and Jess Baker, a business psychologist & women’s leadership coach will be helping members develop their themselves, their teams or their organisations. The speakers will be added to our already bursting at the seams schedule for the day where we hope that everyone will take something away to apply to their business or get businesses thinking about the future.
Join us for this year’s AGM on the 18th June atthe Nottinghamshire Golf Course to learn more about The Giftware Associationsrole in the heart of our industry. Hear from industry experts regarding theplight of the high street and also how our industry is changing and adapting tobe ever present and socially conscious in a socio-economic world where ouractions mean everything. We will have a health and wellbeing panel to talkabout stress in the workplace, the importance of looking after your staff andhow your company can make a change I the industry as it stands that will helpprotect the environment
Also take the chance to meet our excellent service providers and industry experts in a relaxed environment, ask them about warehousing, importing and exporting, finance and everything that concerns you about your business today.
Michael Weedon of exp2 will becovering the latest data on trends in the retail locations of Britain, theironline equivalents, and the gradual move to multichannel.
Michael workswith trade bodies, research companies and independent retailers andhas three decades of experience at board level with trade associations,government and national media. He is a researcher, analyst and regular newscommentator and tweets @MichaelWeedon.
Guest Speaker Hollie Whittles
FraggleWorkstrains, coaches and mentors business owners in all aspects of running yourbusiness. Hollie’s goal is to empower you to take control of your businessthrough strategic planning and marketing. She has a particular interest ingetting businesses online and enjoys looking at websites and social media. Inher workshops, she spends time with delegates to understand which challengesthey are facing and helps come up with solutions so that they can move forward.
Hollie can alsodemonstrate tools and apps to help people manage social media accounts reducingthat overwhelming feeling. She loves showing the best ways to create amazingimages and videos to really make your business stand out from the crowd.
Helen is atransformational women's coach, professional speaker, trainer, and multiplebestselling author. A multiple business owner, she has also done the‘superwoman’ thing in the past, so knows first-hand how life can get in the wayand overwhelm us all. She draws on her natural and intuitive abilitiesalong with many years of research and personal development to put togetherevents products and programmes to help women grow in confidence, learn to putthemselves first, improve their energy, health and relationships and live amore purposeful life. Combining a spiritual outlook, a pragmatic approach, anda sense of humour Helen seeks to help you to understand, accept and developyour true self and be the best person you can be – flaws and all.
Jess Bakeris a Chartered Psychologist, Associate Fellow of the British PsychologicalSociety, and a Women’s Leadership Coach.
For over ten years she has worked as a consultant BusinessPsychologist, Senior HR manager, leadership coach delivering global leadership development and employeeengagement and wellbeing programmes. Herclients include AON Consulting, Barclays Plc, CoOp, John Wylie & Sons, andUCL.
Jess shares her expertise on stage at wellbeing and business events (LoveNatural Love You, Women Into Leadership, Unleash) andin women’s health and business magazines (Boots Health & Beauty,Modern Woman, Women’s Health, HR Zone, NatWest Women), and is regularly invitedfor interview on BBC Radio and podcasts.
Armed with a degree in War Studies, David has spent the last 5 yearsapplying the art of strategy to social media. Now, as our head of training services, he worksclosely with organisations of all shapes and sizes to help them navigate thedigital minefield and get the most out of social media. A veteran trainer,speaker and consultant, David is one of only 8 individuals in the UK accreditedby Facebook as part of their “She Means Business” initiative. He also commentsregularly in the media on social media stories, with recent appearancesincluding BBC Radio 4, BBC Radio 5 Live, and ITV’s Good Morning Britain.
Come and join The Giftware Association in celebrating the industry with a day of informative talks and discussions along with networking with your industry peers. You can book your tickets through the Giftware Association team and you are more than welcome to attend even if you are not a member of the organisation.