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The Giftware Association is in full swing with its Education Series with new events being added every week with seminars and workshops covering topics such as ‘How to Approach Bigger Retailers’ ‘Using Linkedin as a Business Tool’ and ‘How to Sell More at Wholesale’ all from industry experts.
The sold-out Instagram Masterclass was no exception to the popular seminars. The event took place on Thursday 9th May, held by Louise Welsby from Buy From Creative Agency at the Red Lion Urban Art Bar in the Jewellery Quarter and covered all things Instagram, the popular Social Media platform.
The high turnout proved that Social Media is still very much at the forefront of businesses within our industry. It also proved how popular a tool like Instagram can be within the home and giftware industry as it is completely image focussed and showcases beautiful product photography. It also highlighted how different businesses are at different stages on their social media journey from companies that have never used the platform before to more confident Instagrammers who are aiming to build on their strategies. This is what the attendees had to say:
“It was a very helpful and informative daywith lots of great tips to work and build on. Louise’s enthusiasm was veryinspiring and her presentations were well constructed.” – Jessicafrom Dora Designs
“I really enjoyed the Instagram day, I’ve gained lotsmore followers and sales since following the advice so I’m really pleased.” - Mariafrom Scrapemate
“A big thankyou for the Instagram class, I found it incredibly useful and so much to do toget up to level-expert… but that is my new mission!” – Jackie from Design in Colour
The event focused on how businesses can bring creative back into house,and rather than using agencies you can then control your own brand messaging,and who knows your brand better than yourself.
Due to popular demand Louise Welsby will be holding more Instagramclasses throughout the rest of the year. The original course will be held in aLondon location for companies who couldn’t make the initial masterclass as wellas courses designed to focus on the different stages that companies may be at
Keep Your Creative In House – 6th June 2019
Creating a Social Strategy for Your Business – 24th September 2019
Get Started on Social Media – 8th October 2019
To book onto these events take a look at our events page or contact
The Giftware Association team