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McGowan &Rutherford was founded in the antiques trade over 28 years ago, and the companyfocuses on supplying independent and online retailers. Their product rangeconsists of high quality lighting, furniture and mirrors, all of contemporaryand classic styles, influenced by European as well as vintage and retro design.
The companyoperates from their recently acquired premises in Cambridgeshire where theyhave over 57,000 sq ft of warehousing space, into which new and re-stockingproducts arrive every day.
To manageoperations within the new premises, help efficiency and to support theanticipated growth of the business whilst keeping costs to a minimum, thecompany is now implementing the Caliq Software ERP system.
Caliq is aimed atcompanies within the home, interiors, gift and allied trades sectors, and itoffers many features that hugely benefit companies like McGowan &Rutherford.
Being an ‘end toend’ system, it addresses common issues within wholesale distributionoperations, and also offers seamless integration with third party products likeWebsites, Mobile Sales Systems, including Caliq’s Toucan iPad system, andCourier Management. This has been achieved through an innovative andcollaborative approach with home and gift companies over the last ten years.
Director WillBrett had this to say about why McGowan & Rutherford selected Caliq :
“After completingour warehouse and office move in March of 2019, the increase in efficiency inwarehouse operations was quickly apparent. Having battled with a rudimentarysystem for a number of years, the decision to improve this had become a veryeasy one.
Being aware ofCaliq’s system, a demonstration made it clear they offered the functionality weneeded and on top of that, extra features and components to streamline our dayto day processes.
Caliq haveextensive knowledge of our industry, which is so refreshing compared to othersystems we’d looked at where we knew we’d have to compromise with limitationsin functionality.
Getting to knowthe Caliq team, as well as seeing their outstanding reputation with establishedbusinesses in our industry, gave us the confidence to move forward with them,and feel assured that the system is suitable for us now and as our businessgrows in the future. “
Russell Kirbyfrom Caliq commented “We’re absolutely delighted to have McGowan &Rutherford on board with Caliq and we look forward to working with andsupporting them well into the future”.