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London Stationery Show is the UK’s only trade showdedicated to writing and paper products. The annual trade show attracts theUK’s biggest retailers, brands and influential buyers in the stationery sector.The show is an important moment in the industry’s calendar, where key suppliersand retailers come together, so is the perfect platform for this initiative.
LaunchPad gives winners the chance to showcase their products at London Stationery Show, alongside the top brands in the industry. Entrants just need to put their idea and a product sample forward to be in with a chance of winning a free exhibition stand at the 2020 show, taking place from 21 - 22 April.
The competition will be judged by leading names andretailers from the stationery sector who will be looking for products theythink will grab the interest of the industry and all the stationery lovingconsumers out there.
LaunchPad is open to anycompany which, or individual who:
• Has not previously appeared at Stationery Shows in London or Manchester
• Has the rights to sell the featured product
• Does not currently sell the featured product through any UK national retail accounts or distributors in the stationery retail sector.
2020 marks London Stationery Show’s 10thbirthday and LaunchPad winners will receive a free display space at the show, alisting on the show’s website and in the Show Guide. All winners receivefantastic exposure to the UK’s leading retailers and suppliers visiting theshow, as well as free PR and marketing support from the show team.
Bristol based sustainable stationery company VENT for Change, who were a winnerin 2019, are returning as a fully fledged exhibitor in 2020. Other notablesuccesses include Clipmatic, Paper Mirchi, Back Pocket Notebook, Peace &Blessings and Treewise Pencils.
The closing date for entries is 27 January 2020 and the entry form can be found on the show website here –