News & Articles

the giftware association



Please see below today’s updates, which may be relevant for your businesses/members, and supply chains.

Reminder – Better regulation open consultation

Our exit from the EU provides us with the opportunity to think boldly about how we regulate and for the first time in a generation, we have the freedom to conceive and implement rules that put the UK first. We will use this freedom to unlock cutting-edge technologies, unleash innovation, and propel start-up growth, levelling up every corner of the UK. This will be a crucial part of boosting our productivity and helping us bring the benefits of growth to the whole of our country.

In seizing this opportunity, this consultation seeks feedback from interested parties on how we can reform the UK framework for better regulation.

Reforming the framework for better regulation: We're reviewing the way the Better Regulation Framework operates to ensure it remains fit for purpose and delivers government’s regulatory strategy objectives.


Net Zero in Manufacturing

18 August – Manufacturing for Net Zero panel event by Climate Action for Associations (CAFA) Register here.

Join Climate Action for Associations (CAFA) & the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) for a discussion with industry bodies on net zero and emission targets in the manufacturing industry.

Moving goods – NI

Trading and moving goods in and out of Northern Ireland: A link to more information about how to put goods into a temporary storage facility has been added.

TCA Governance

Trade and Cooperation Agreement Governance: First published.


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