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Blue Eyed Sun MD and GA Chairman, Jeremy Corner, is amongst Chief Executives, Managers and Directors from a group of South East exporting businesses, or organisations that support exporting, that have been recognised as Export Champions by the Department for International Trade (DIT).
The 21 Export Champions havebeen selected by DIT for their inspirational approach to growing theirbusinesses through exporting or for championing exporting in the South East.Champions will encourage companies in their region to start exporting, offerpractical advice on how to turn exporting ambitions into a reality and sharetheir experiences of how DIT helped them break into new markets.
The ExportChampion community, launched in March as part of the Exporting is GREATcampaign, was introduced in response to a desire from businesses to receivepeer-to-peer exporting support. There are now 250 Export Champions activeacross England, and the Department’s ambition is to expand the programme to atleast 1,000 Champions by April 2020. Their appointments come at a time whenworldwide demand for British goods continues to grow. Between 2017 and 2018 exportsof goods from the South East increased by 3.2% to £46.8 billion.
Marian Sudbury, Director of UKRegions at the Department for International Trade, opened the South East launchwith a keynote speech.
Marian Sudbury said:
“The Export Champions Communityis a vital part of the government’s Export Strategy; its members will helpcreate the culture of exporting among businesses across the country.
“Each of our Export Championshas been chosen because they’re great at exporting. Their experience ofexporting gives them a unique insight and unique ability to provide thepeer-to-peer support that businesses are seeking, to inform and encourage otherbusinesses to follow their lead.
“We nowhave 250 Export Champions across all of the English regions, and we hope tocontinue expanding the programme to at least 1,000 Champions by April 2020.”