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Granny's Little Tea Caddies
Cash Planning
What is the most important aspect of your personal financial planning:
How much you EARN
OR – How much you SPEND ?
I always admired my Granny’s little collection of tea caddies that sat on the dresser in the dining room. Some round, square, hexagonal, triangular and all brightly coloured, all distinctive by their difference – 5 in all.
She explained: “Electric, Milk, Groceries, Post … Bingo” with a delightful blush.
That was her life on a budget, squirreling just the right amount of cash from her pension for each necessity. Strict Cash Planning.
There are two fundamental aspects of Cash Planning, both of which enable you to create a precise family / household budget.
Primarily, the budget sets domestic costs – SPEND, against how much you EARN.
Often, the hardest part of managing expenditure, debts and income is taking the first step.
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and tempting to bury your head in the sand and ignore your bank statements and credit card statements, and unopened mail (particularly those brown envelopes).
So, take a deep breath, and begin. Jot it all down, and we mean ALL. Start with what’s going out, what you spend (we have guidelines available to help you with this, just ask).
Once you’ve done this, at least you’ll know what you have to deal with and you can work out what you need to do next...
Come on, let's do it together, reach out through the contact form - HERE.