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Please see below for today’s Autumn Statement in full, as well as consultations/calls for evidence that may be pertinent for your business/members and supply chains.
Autumn Statement 2023
This is today’s Autumn Statement 2023 in full. You can find supporting and related documents at the link also.
As part of today’s Autumn Statement (22 November), the Government published their Response to the Consultation on extending the Growth Duty to Ofcom, Ofgem, and Ofwat. Having considered the responses to the consultation, the Government has decided to proceed with the extension of the Growth Duty to these three regulators. Extending the Growth Duty to include these regulators will ensure that these regulators consider how best to promote economic growth as they carry out their core functions. The Government response is available here.
Consultation: the Government has launched the Regulating for Growth consultation, which includes proposed revised Growth Duty Statutory Guidance. Many respondents to the consultation on extending the Growth Duty called for clarity in the form of a refreshed statutory guidance and the Government has worked to consider the responses from the previous consultation when updating the statutory guidance for this consultation. This consultation also meets the commitment made in May 2023 to consult on refreshed guidance for the Growth Duty and sets out the key drivers and behaviours of growth. The consultation will close on the 17th of January 2024 and seeks all views.
REMINDER: Smarter Regulation Call for Evidence on the regulatory landscape.
The Call for Evidence is a core part of the government’s Smarter Regulation programme of regulatory reform. Smarter regulation is about only using regulation where necessary, implementing it well, and ensuring its use is proportionate and future-proof. We are seeking information from all stakeholders on what works well and what could be improved in how regulators operate to deliver for the sectors they serve. The call for evidence will close on 7 January and seeks views from businesses, consumers and regulators.
Consultation: Trade with Turkey – call for input on new trade negotiations with Turkey.
The consultation closes at 11.45 pm on 5 January 2024.
An information note for the call for input can be found here