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Going GlobalLive are very excited to announce their first wave of Keynote Speakers! Rangingfrom exporting advice, building global relationships or expanding internationally,this year's line up really leaves no stone unturned!
Itzik Amiel, from THE SWITCH | Power Networking AcademyTM, will share the 7 secretsto building your global Relations Capital by identifying the people critical toyour success and developing strategies to build relations and grow yourbusiness and referrals globally. These strategies based on his bestsellingbook: “The Attention Switch”.
Andrew William Moylan, from The Export Hub,will show attendees the opportunities open to them in trading overseas in existing and emerging markets. He will discuss what it takes to ensure that despite the levels of uncertainty in trading in some emerging high growth markets, that the financial risk and the risk of non-payment can be de-risked so that trading can flourish.
Ingrid VanDer Zalm, from UPS Ltd,will use her seminar session to debunkcommon exporting myths by helping you to build confidence and competence torealise your exporting potential, equipping you with the insights, tools andresources you need to take your business global.
ShwetaJhajharia, from ActionCOACH, willwalk attendees through some of the most important lessons to learn in order toobtain the best chance of success when expanding internationally.
Make sureyou've saved the 27th and 28th of November on your agenda because you can'tafford to miss this edition of Going Global Live!