News & Articles

We are at the halfway point of Gift of the Year 2021 and we have seen so many amazing entries and products entered so far, So if you haven't yet entered yet then you can enter here. Please keep an eye on our blog for companies entering and their products as a way to get extra promotion for entrants.
But more excitingly we have not one, not two but three exciting announcements to make...
1 - Peoples Choice Award!- A brand new exciting judging section voted for by the end consumer! We will be asking the general public, consumers, friends and family to vote for their favourite products in each category to find out who will be awarded the ultimate peoples choice award, watch this space for more exciting info and Enter Now to get your products seen by the end consumer...
2 - Earlier Products - Because of the disruption caused by Covid-19 to our industry we have amended the usual criteria of the competition. We are now accepting products new to the market in June/July 2020, covering the summers shows seasons new products rather than our usual criteria for new products for 2021. Enter your early summer releases now
3 - Gift of the Year Prod-Cast - This brand new podcast will feature current entrants, previous winners and all those in between, their experiences of the awards, highlighting their amazing products as well as their life in the home and gift industry. More info to follow but Enter Now for a chance to be featured.
If you have any questions or would like to know more about the above or the competition in general then please get in touch with the team who will be more than happy to help and guide you through your entry