News & Articles

One of the most frequent questions we get from potential Gift of the Year entrants is "When does the competition close" - The answer to that is the 30th November when we expect all entries to be in and complete. Though why wait until the last minute to enter as here are three great reasons to enter your products now.
1. Social Media Campaign - All entrants into our competition will be shouted about to our growing audiences across all our social channels giving you extra exposure
2. Use of Logos and self-promotion - As an entrant, you get access to exclusive logos announcing your 'nomination' into the competition, just using these will sure to attract attention and exposure from buyers (and maybe your competitors too)
3. Sit back and Bask in your own glory - If you enter now (or have already entered - thank you) then you won't have to worry about it last minute and take your time uploading your best images and descriptions...and maybe think about entering more