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the giftware association


As per last month’s article, data protection rules will be overhauled on 25th may 2018, but according to a survey conducted by YouGov of over 2000 businesses, only 38% of senior decision makers are aware of the new regulations.

These results are concerning as there is a very real chance that a majority of organisations won’t be compliant in time and this will majorly affect their business with heavy fines. Other key findings from the same survey include:

  • Over two-thirds are not aware they could be fined up to 20 million euros or 4% of their global turnover for non-compliance with GDPR;
  • Just 29% have started preparing for GDPR despite the compliance deadline being less than 12 months away;
  • Four in 10 would have to cut staff or go out of business if they suffered the maximum fine;
  • The majority of businesses admit to not being able to identify a data breach within their own organisation

Considering these worrying figures the Giftware Association has struck up a partnership with Memnet Limited, who are leading providers of training and consultancy in this field within our sector. Memnet’s next one-day training event “Data Protection: Understanding Compliance now and under GDPR” is taking place in London on 11 July 2017. We have negotiated a 10% discount on the non-member prices using promotional code GAUK10 on the booking website which can be found here. MemNet is also happy to extend the 10% to consultancy services which include areas such as Data Protection Audit and whole staff training, Social Media Maser Classes, the principles of members, purchasing CRM software and much more. You can visit MemNet website for details at

About Memnet

MemNet was born in 2009 out of small email group which made an observation of the way that organisations function across the board. We came to the conclusion that much more needs to be done to maintain and expand the success of our target organisations in austere times. There is a collective need for acquiring and retaining members and a wealth of skills available to do just that. We have more than 24 years experience of network creation, organisational consultation and working with organisations, during which we worked with over 100 organisations and helped create robust and sustainable success models.  During this time, we learned every nook and cranny of the industry and the ways that work and don’t work. We’re perfectly poised, then, to deal with every kind of organisation hiccup and have accumulated a vast network of practitioners expertise from which you can drawn information, support and connections

To take advantage of this offer visit the booking page or contact us at the Giftware Association on



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