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Suffolk designerputting the fun back into functional gifts for women at trade exhibition forexclusively British made products
Tamara Hunt, of Fanny’s Your Aunt, will soon be making her way to the Yorkshire Event Centre in Harrogate where she will make her debut at the British Craft Trade Fair (BCTF).
BCTF is the largest and most well-established event of its kind, focusing exclusively on high quality, British made artisan products across categories which include handmade ceramics, porcelain, fashion accessories and jewellery, glass, metalwork, woodwork, textiles, greetings cards and fine art.
For the first time ever in 2020, to celebrate the new decade,BCTF will open to the public for one day only on Saturday April 4, ahead of thetrade show opening on Sunday April 5 – Tuesday April 7. Visitors will have thechance to browse and buy from an unrivalled selection of products, straightfrom authentic British designer-makers and small independent companies.
Speaking about life as a designer and what the future holds, Tamarasaid: “I love being able to take something from a word or phrase that comes tome while I am out walking, from a conversation, or reading a newspaper,magazine or book, to mixing it with vibrant colours and motifs and ittransforming into something fun yet empowering. The icing on the cake is seeing it out there in the market placeconnecting with people. That’s when I know that I have struck a chord, that Ihave given someone a voice.”
BCTF organiser, Margeret Bunn, says: “We are delighted to welcome Tamara to the exhibition for the first time this year. She is an exceptionally talented designer and one of many from the East of England who are participating in the show. There are many indications that people want to support more local, sustainable businesses and are seeking beautifully designed British products which they know are of sound provenance. Research is backed up by strong anecdotal feedback we are receiving from retailers visiting the show and followers on our social media sites. If ever there was a time to support our heritage industries and independent designer-makers, then this is it!”
The British Craft Trade Fair (BCTF)will showcase the very best of British crafts across a huge variety of productcategories, including: Jewellery, glassware, metalwork, fine art, greetingscards, ceramics, fashion accessories and homewares. This is the perfect eventfor retailers seeking exciting British designed products with sound provenanceand strong heritage values. No public admittance as it’s a trade-only event,and free of charge.
Heading into its 46thyear in 2020, BCTF will host hundreds of creative designer-makers in a fabulousstate of the art venue, the Yorkshire Event Centre in Harrogate, from April 4th-7th
Trade prices for the uniquehandmade works on display will start from just a few pounds so something foreveryone and all exhibitors are guaranteed to be working from Great Britain andIreland.
The annual BCTF Awards will be heldon Monday April 6 at 6.00pm at the Yorkshire Event Centre, after the showcloses. Sponsors include: Pyramid Gallery (York) which will sponsor the BCTFAward for Excellence; Heart Gallery (Hebden Bridge) sponsor of the BestNewcomer Award; ACID (Anti Copying in Design) will sponsor the Post NewcomerAward; The Giftware Association is sponsoring The Giftware Association Awardfor Excellence; the National Association of Jewellers (NAJ), sponsoring theAward for Excellence in Jewellery; Greetings Today magazine, sponsor of theGreeting Card Award, Platform Gallery (Clitheroe) sponsors of the PlatForm andFunction Award and DesignGap/ArtGap, which sponsors the Wow Factor Award, withthe winner of which is traditionally decided by exhibitor votes made during theshow.
For more information about BCTFvisit:
For more information on Fanny’sYour Aunt visit: 07971 193 433. BCTF Stand N39