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On the 27th March the European Commission published Implementing Regulation EU 2015/519 extending the anti-dumping duty on certain iron and steel fasteners originating in the People’s Republic of China and also consigned from Malaysia for a further five years.
Following on from a request from the European Federation for Table and Ornamental ware, this anti-dumping measure on Chinese imports, which is about the expire, is now going to continue for at least another 15 months while the Commission undertakes a review.
See the attached notice which explains what importers and producers need to do if they want to input into the review – you will need to act fast.
Anti-Dumping Duty is an Import Duty charged as well as normal Customs Duty, and is applied across the EU. It allows the EU to take action against goods sold at less than their normal value, which is the price for ‘like goods’ sold in the exporter’s home market.
The Review identified, ”several elements of concern, including large spare capacity available in the PRC, continuation of dumping and underselling practices worldwide, planned development of production capacity, product range and product complexity in the PRC, as well as growing trade barriers in other main third countries markets”. On the other hand, the investigation said: “Union consumption has been stagnating in the last five years” leading to “a state of vulnerability of the Union industry... characterised by a certain degree of spare capacity, low profits and business uncertainty”. The Review determined that “the repeal of the measures would with all probability lead to the sudden return of Chinese dumped imports, and that this would weaken the position of the Union industry in its core market.”
READ THE WHOLE REVIEW HERE - Commission notice 15 May 2018 ceramic tableware China ER initiation (002)