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2019 Retailer of the Year winners Cannon Hall Farm Shop collectingtheir Award from Nigel Barden, and Debbie Edge.
Farm Shop & Deli Awards, in partnership with The Grocer,are excited to announce that entries for their 2020 Awards are now open andwill close on Friday 20th September2019. Free to enter, the Awards are renowned in the industry for playing animportant role in supporting, and celebrating, the UK’s independent, specialistretail market.
The online entry form has been revised slightly to help boththe entrants and judges, and continues to provide tips and advice on how bestto approach the answers. Entrants also have the opportunity to upload anoptional 3 minute video to support their entry and showcase their store, teamand customers to the judges and help get their passion across.
Nothing tolose but everything to gain
The Awardsare FREE to enter and offer many benefits, including:
- Exposure from a comprehensive marketing and PRcampaign to industry and regional titles - entries & finalists can receivea reach of over 24,000 increasing toover 142,400 for winners and overall‘Retailer of the Year’.
- Raising their profile with their community andcustomers - using the tools provided throughout the entry to winning stages tohelp them promote their entry, and success.
- Promotingtheir businesses to industry experts from theworld of speciality retail, fine food and food media who form the judgingpanel.
- Opportunity to network with like-mindedspeciality retailers, meet producers who can support their business and gaininsights and advice from industry leaders at the finals held at the heart ofthe Farm Shop & Deli Show on Monday 30th March 2020.
- Overall Retailer of the Year winner will beprofiled through local PR and Social Media opportunities once the announcementhas been made.
Here’s what some ofthe 2019 Award winners say:
“We’d absolutely recommendbusinesses to enter because, even if you don’t win, the fact that you will bejudged by your peers in the industry will help you improve your own business.If you win then you are going to get an amazing uplift in trade and recognitionfrom suppliers who you didn’t know of before will be beating a path to yourdoor to bring you more exciting things for you to sell.”
Michael Baker, Managing Director,Bakers and Larners of Holt - Food Hall of the Year 2019
“We decided to enterthe 2019 Awards because, even though customers, suppliers and producers tell uswe are great and we work hard, to be nationally recognised by an independentbody that looks at everything is what makes us feel like we are better - to have other people say you are doing a goodjob.”
Alice and Ian Evans, Owners, BroadBean Delicatessen – Delicatessen of the Year 2019
“The awards themselvesare fantastic in respect of each individual store to put their case across and fortheir customers to be involved and vote for them. So it’s a kind of joint awardwith customers and entrants. It’s a true award and one of the best in theindustry.”
Andreas Georghiou, Owner, Andreas ofChelsea Green – Greengrocer of the Year 2019
Take the time to shine
There are twelve category and nine regional Awards, plusoverall Retailer of the Year.
The categories up for grabs are Baker, Butcher,Cheesemonger, Delicatessen, Farm Shop - Large Retailer, Farm Shop - SmallRetailer, Fishmonger, Food Hall, Greengrocer, Newcomer, Online business andVillage Store / Local Shop.
The 2020 title is set to be a hotly contested competitionreaching a crescendo on Monday 30th March, when the category andregional winners, plus Retailer of the Year, will be revealed live at Farm Shop& Deli Show at the NEC Birmingham.
With entriesopen until Friday 20thSeptember, there is plenty of time to prepare and submit an entry. And, aseach year the Awards welcome submissions from both new and previous entrants,the mix of category entries change year on year - meaning everyone is acontender. So the question is, can you afford not to try?
If you are interestedin entering, or know a retailer who should, please visit tolearn more about the awards and enter.
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WilliamReed Business Media
Notes to editors:
Thetwelve categories include:
- Baker
- Butcher
- Cheesemonger
- Delicatessen
- Farm Shop – Large Retailer
- Farm Shop – Small Retailer
- Fishmonger
- Food Hall
- Greengrocer
- Newcomer
- Online Business
- Village store/ Local Shop
With nine regional awards across:
- EastAnglia
- Midlands
- NorthEast
- NorthWest
- NorthernIreland
- Scotland
- SouthEast
- SouthWest
- Wales
Entrants will be judgedwithin their category, once category winners have been agreed judges will alsochoose a best Regional winner. In addition, any business that opened afterApril 2017, will automatically be judged in the Newcomer of the Year category,as well as the category they entered.
Winners will then have thechance to win the prestigious title ‘Farm Shop & Deli Retailer of theYear’. The overall winner will be announced at the Farm Shop & Deli Show inMarch next year at Birmingham’s NEC.
Each award will be judged on the many factors covering specialityretail including highest levels of service, product knowledge, initiative,innovation and community involvement. Chair of judges, Nigel Barden, will bejoined by leading speciality retailers and key industry figures to bring awealth of knowledge to the judging process. The judging process will include mystery visits and public votes and thepublic and industry suppliers will also have the opportunity to nominate theirfavourite retailer for the award.
TheFarm Shop & Deli Awards are brought to you by William Reed, a globalcompany, dedicated to helping businesses succeed with up-to-the-minute digitalmedia, quality journalism, events and specialist research and insight.
Additionalphotographs and high res versions of those included in this press release areavailable. Please contact Antonia Green, Marketing Manager William ReedBusiness Media, 01293 610235 or