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Most Managing Directors want to make travelling around theworld as easy and painless as possible but for Mark Howard, MD of Puckator Ltda Giftware Wholesaler and Importer based in Cornwall, UK, the challenge of a14,000 km drive seemed irresistible!
Mark, who spends on average 4 months a year in Puckator’sXiamen office (China) decided to embark on this journey in aid of Save theChildren. His reasons are somewhat different to those of Marco Polo, and thetravellers of old who preceded him on this route, whose missions were to bringsilk and other precious goods back to Europe.
Mark Howard stated “I’ve had the idea of driving from Xiamen, China to Cornwall UK, for a couple of years now. The planning has been long and full of challenges, but when it came to choosing a charity to support, the choice was simple. Save the Children is a charity close to my heart, the work they do to ensure the safety of children in times of crisis, and provide them with a better future is incredible. I had hoped the trip would be well supported, but momentum has really gathered pace along the way, and I am delighted that we have now smashed the original donation target of £10,000 for Save the Children, and with still a way to go”.
The road to the UK was never going to be a straightforwardone and departing from a very busy city in China, Mark buckled up for a bumpyride. From congested roads, flat tyres, police checks and fuel embargos, Markencountered a whole range of challenges before he even left China. Apart for that, a long drive saw him driving over mountains,across deserts, through steppe, and encountering sandstorms, and one occasion prairie fires, while at time camels and wild horses were the only signof life. After more than a few issues crossing nationalborders Mark is now well on his way and has only the last stretch to go now,which will see him travel from Ukraine and through Poland, Germany andFrance. Not only has Mark finally reached Europe, he has alsomanaged to well exceed his initial £10,000 target for Save the Children, thanksto many very generous donators.
Due to arrive back in the UK at the end of August, you can find out more about Mark’s adventures on his daily blog and visit his Save the Children fundraiser via his Just Giving page