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If you sell giftware online Card & Gift Network islooking for you! The website’s founder Charlotte is seeking unique giftproducts to share with their audience of Christmas shoppers.
For the 3rd year in a row, Card & Gift Network ispublishing a Christmas Gift Guide for consumers.
Adding to their year-round B2B promotion, the Gift Guideshines a spotlight on our industry’s best festive products selling direct toconsumers.
The Gift Guide will be published online on the 11thNovember; giving 6 weeks of promotion and reaching over 250,000festive shoppers. Providing a welcome boost of promotion for publishers andretailers that sell to the public online.
The Gift Guide Magazine will feature themed gift guide pagesand dedicated advert spots. Offering both free and paid promotion options tosuit as many businesses as possible.
Submit Christmas Products for the Themed Gift Guide Pages.
For the themed pages, Charlotte is looking for singleChristmas Cards, Christmas Card Packs/Boxes, Advent Calendars, Stockings,Wreaths, Decorations, Christmas Eve Boxes, Gifts for Her, Gifts for Him, Giftsfor Parents, Gifts for Couples, Gifts for Grandparents, Gifts for Teenagers,Gifts for Kids, 1st Christmas Gifts, Food & Drink Gifts, Christmas GiftWrap. Anything Christmas-friendly… send it in!
You can submit as many products ideas as you want and thereis no charge if your cards or gifts are picked.
Visit the Card & Gift Network website - - for details on how to submit yourproducts.
Book a Dedicated Ad Spot
To guarantee a spot in the Christmas Gift Guide you can alsobook a dedicated advert spot for your business.
There are free and paid ad spaces available, but they are alimited number of each so Charlotte encourages you to book quickly to avoiddisappointment.
In the interest of fairness, free advert spots will beallocated to businesses that have not had a free advert in previous ChristmasGift Guides.
To book an advert space, visit the Card & Gift Networkwebsite:
The deadline to book an advert spacehas been extended to midnight on Wednesday 30th October.
Last year’s Gift Guide was seen by 286,904 unique visitorsand this year Charlotte at Card & Gift Network is aiming for bigger andbetter!
To take part, visit for full information.
Alternatively you can email Charlotte at hello@cardandgiftnetwork.comif you have any questions.