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After the political turmoil of recent months, this year’s Stationery Show, which ran in London’s Business Design Centre last week (30 April and 1 May) enjoyed a ‘stimulating and positive two days’ says event manager Hazel Fieldwick.
The show brings together the UK’s key stationerysuppliers, brands and retailers and influencers to enjoy two stationery focuseddays – right in the middle of National Stationery Week (29 April – 5 May).
“I can happily say it was the buzziestshow yet”, commented Barry Heath of Tallon International.
Nikki Devine of long-standingexhibitors, Studio Pens, which also won the ‘Everyday Writing Instruments’ withtheir new ‘Frosted’ Kaweco Sport Series pen, agreed, saying “Thanks for anothergreat show - our best year yet I think!”
Amanda Walker of the award-winning Cult Pens commented, “We identified some really interesting new opportunities. A great show and to have this topped by winning an award made the day even more superb!”
The Stationery Trends Hub, newly locatedto the centre of the show floor this year, was a huge hit with visitors andexhibitors alike. The team of trendforecasters at Scarlet Opus research and devise the display, offer Trend Toursof the show and run trend presentations for visitors.
They were kept busy for both dayssharing information not only about the consumer and design trends emerging forChristmas 2019, but also looking ahead into spring and summer 2020. Their information is increasingly being usedby suppliers to aid and inspire new product development and by retailers todevelop product portfolios and merchandise stories that attract new customersand maintain their interest.
This year’s visitors included TottenhamHotspur Football Club, Tesco, Paperchase, The White Company, ASOS, Cass Art,Ryman, Waterstones, Scribbler, TJX Europe, Hochanda, Anthropologie, John LewisPartnership, Foyles, the British Library, B&M Retail, WHSmith, Office Club,Clintons, Accessorize, Fortnum & Mason, Jojo Maman Bebe, National Gallery,Spicers and Colemans.
In addition, it also attracted a greatrange of independent gift shops and specialist stationers such as CalliopeGifts, Jane Armour Trading, the Retailer Stationery Award-winning Scriptum FineStationery, London Graphic Centre, Colemans of Towcester, Jarrold & Sons,Mantons Cards, Morgan’s Stationery, Pen to Paper, Pencil Me In and notforgetting Marple Stationery Supplies, which spearheaded this year’s#StationeryShopSaturday campaign as part of National Stationery Week!
Henri Davis, chair of the SupplierStationery Awards judging panel, independent retail consultant and deputy chairof The Giftware Association said, “The show had a fantastic vibe and there wereso many new and innovative products on show, which confirms the industry isstill in good shape.”
This year’s crop of eight LaunchPadwinners also managed to take home a product category win when Makers Cabinetwon the ‘Desk Accessories’ with its Høvel pencil planer.
As in previous years, the Supplier Stationery Award Winners took centre stage in the show’s New Product Showcase which greets visitors as they enter the show. This year, with the support of AT Cross, which sponsored the Retailer categories, and GO Stationery, which sponsored the new Designer category, the Stationery Awards were given their own website and opened up to the whole industry to enter.
“It’s important the Stationery Awardsare representative of what’s new in the market and help to set benchmarks inperformance and good practice that others can aspire to and aim to beat!” saidAwards co-ordinator Vanessa Fortnam. “Being able to display the Awards entries at the stationery sector’sannual show is a big plus for the entrants and buyers.”
The show’s Live Talks, RetailerWorkshops and Creative Stationery Workshops were also well-attended, with mostpeople booking places ahead of their visit to the show.
The showintroduced visitor vetting for the first time this year, responding toexhibitor requests to ensure that those attending the show were authenticstationery buyers, licensors or valuable influencers.
“Itcertainly helped to focus our minds on the types of companies, influencers andbuyers we encourage to visit the show, so despite slightly lower visitornumbers this year (1849 compared to 2007 last year) it was great to see afantastic mix of retailers attending the show and getting involved in theworkshops and talks. It proves that thestationery category continues to offer good sales across all types of retail,”commented Hazel.
The show’s tenth anniversary will becelebrated in 2020 when it will run on Tuesday 21 & Wednesday 22 April 2020,at the Business Design Centre in London once again.
Vanessa Fortnam,
+44 (0)1666 824624 / 07900 690133