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The British Allied Trades Federation have commissioned a portrait in memory of one of their most influential and long serving decision makers, C H Plenderleith, known to all as Bob, who sadly passed away late last year aged 96. He was an active member of the leathergoods trade association, serving as Chairman in 1967, and first became involved with the BATF in 1978 when he played an instrumental role in getting the British Travelgoods and Accessories Association to join the Federation. He then went on to become a Director of the Federation for 9 years during which time he served as President. He also served as Company Secretary from 1997 until 2004. Bob’s influence was most keenly felt through his establishment and leadership of the Finance Committee and the Investment Committee which made some key financial decisions, implementing strategies and procedures that have been vital to giving the Federation its solid financial position. He was involved in the formation of a Publishing Company in 1992 of which he became Chairman and negotiated several agreements that were very advantageous to the Federation, including amendments to the Trade Fairs agreement in 1999 which is the version that still stands today.
The Board decided to commission a portrait in Bob’s honour to be displayed in the Boardroom at Federation House. Artist Tristan Pigott, who was shortlisted for the BP Portrait Award was selected and has managed to capture Bob perfectly.
Tristan Pigott, born in 1990, lives and works in London. Since graduating from Camberwell College of Arts in 2012, he has exhibited in London at Cob Gallery (2017 & 2015) and at Royal Academy Summer Exhibition (2015) and internationally in Nigeria, (2014) and Manhattan during Frieze Art Fair New York (2016).