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Blue Alligator have joined The GA in an effort to further support their large customer base.
Sales and Marketing Director, Roberto Melisi says “We hope joining theGiftware Association will bring us even closer to our family of customers. Wehave a strong presence in the giftware industry so the decision to join madeabsolute sense. We also look forward to welcoming any existing members from theGA with open arms!”
We have spent 40 years serving the wholesale and distribution giftwareverticals, having gathered crucial expertise and know-how to assist GA memberswho want to significantly increase order values and cut order processing time.With many existing happy customers experiencing increases in excess of 18% onorder value and time saving upwards of 2 weeks after shows.
How can we help to increase order values?
We can integrate with most Stock Control Systems (ERP’s), this allowsyour salespeople to be able to see stock levels, customer pricing, previousorders and take orders all on a stunning iPad catalogue.
How do we significantly decrease order processing time?
Arguably the hardest and most time-consuming part of any order isputting the order into the correct place within your Stock Control system inthe correct way. With SalesPresenter we can integrate directly with your systemso we can not only get your data onto your salespeople’s iPads, but we importthe order straight back in too.
Ready to spend less time and money processing orders and more time doingwhat you love…
If you are not using SalesPresenter and want to know more then pleasecontact our team by phone 01908 368001 or by email and mentiondiscount code GA19 at the start of your call to benefit from a cheeky discount!